In this episode of the GreenLancer's Solar Spotlight, Senior Project Manager Nick Schlueter speak with Lennie Moreno, CEO and Founder of SolarGRAF.
Lennie started off his career selling and installing solar before he decided to move into technology to make a better proposal software for the industry from his hometown of Montreal, Canada.
Nick: Joining me today is the founder and CEO of SolarGRAF, Lennie Moreno. Lennie, can you tell us your story and how SolarGRAF came into existence?
Lennie: Yea, thanks for the nice intro Nick, so I used to be a contractor, before that I used to be a solar salesman on the road. So you know, I've been on the road, on the roof, in the attic, at the kitchen table, dealing with the city, distributors, financing companies. I was using a bunch of different software to run my business and started to build my own tool internally. I figured the product I was building was more beneficial for the industry so I decided to provide it to all the local installers who were looking to be more efficient.
Nick: Awesome! For the installers who haven't heard you speak yet, what advise do you have for installers right now during the COVID pandemic?
Lennie: My advice, don't limit yourself to being just a better installer. It's about life in general, and what you're doing. It's important to pivot and put things in perspective; find a way to look in the mirror with the time we have and look at how you were doing things and how you might be doing things better. As far as solar and technology goes: Hey, if you're not using technology as an installer, you need to get on the bandwagon. People that are using technology have been a lot less affected than ones that are doing things manually like door to door sales and canvassing. Just look at how companies doing remote sales are doing compared to last year. Right now we are compiling all the numbers and are realizing how crucial it is to have a remote software solution that is not just good for your remote selling, but also is mobile friendly once the lockdown is lifted so you can stay organized across all your devices and have your projects all in one place.
Nick: You didn't just get this technology out of nowhere, for other entrepreneurs out there, what was your biggest challenge first starting your business?
Lennie: Do you have 3 days? haha! It all comes down to you believing you're doing the right thing. There are always obstacles. If you feel in your heart and gut that you're doing the right thing, and you genuinely want to bring positivity, optimism, and value for the people around you, then just follow through with whatever you want to do...
To learn more click here to listen. (8 minutes)
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